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Genitourinary System

Heaviest kidney stone[1]
Highest serum acid phosphatase, prostatic[2]
Highest serum creatinine[3]
Highest serum prostate specific antigen (PSA)[4,5]
Highest serum testosterone[2]
Highest serum urea nitrogen[6]
Largest bladder stone[7]
Largest bladder stone spontaneously passed[8]
Largest prostate removed surgically[5]
Largest testicular seminoma[9]
Lowest serum testosterone[2]
21.9 oz (620 gm)
28,830 ng/mL
54 mg/dL
16,490 ng/mL
1,822.3 ng/mL
365 mg/dL
9 cm
5 cm x 3 cm
15 x 15 x 5.5 cm; 275 gm
13 x 10.5 x 7.5 cm; 635 gm
5.1 ng/dL
-, accessed February 21, 2013
Vladutiu, Adrian O.
McEvoy, Joseph
Nemec, Robert
Osaka, Howard
Ireland, James H.
Danforth, Richard
Cummings, James M.
Berrebi, Gabriel A.
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