Female Reproductive System

Highest serum estradiol[1]
Highest serum human chorionic
gonadotropin (HCG)[1]
Highest serum prolactin[2]
Largest endometrial polyp[3]
Largest ovarian granulosa cell tumor[4]
Largest tumor removed surgically[5]
(multicystic ovary)
Largest uterine leiomyoma[4]
Smallest hysterectomy specimen[4]
Longest carriage of a lithopedion*[5-8]
Longest carriage of a lithopedion (runner up)*[9]
Longest operative procedure (ovarian cyst removal)[10]
Oldest woman to give birth[11]
*Editor's note: A lithopedion is an ectopic pregnancy that may sometimes be carried, either knowingly or not, in a woman's abdomen for a number of years. The fetus or its surrounding membranes may become calcified over time, leading to the designation, "stone baby." The medical literature includes accounts of 2 such occurrences in which the lithopedion was carried for some 60 years. We received a well-documented report [9] of a "50-year-old baby" whose mother was aware of a pregnancy at its early stages before later not knowing "whatever happened to the baby." The woman's autopsy report describes a full-term preserved fetus, the radiograph of which is shown here. -- J.D.S.
17,173 pg/mL
2,017,000 mIU/mL
3,138 ng/mL
4 cm x 3 cm x 3 cm
6.7 kg
148.7 kg (327 lb)
5,950 gm
8 gm
~ 60 yrs
50 yr
96 hr
Age 66 yr 358 days
Vladutiu, Adrian O.
Clark, L. Marvin
Fowler, R. Stuart
Nelson, Bill M.
Brezina, Konrad
Dillon, John
Miller, Daniel L.
Speiser, Paul
Powell, Clermont S.
www.info.com, accessed February 22, 2013
www.guinnessbook.com, accessed February 21, 2013

Xray image of lithopedion in shell, removed at autopsy

Lithopedion removed from shell