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Laboratory - Chemistry

Sepich, Rodney
Ireland, James H.
Vladutiu, Adrian O.
Hartsell, Zachary
Carey, Elizabeth J.
Wishingrad, Marc
Law, David E.
Sheehy, Thomas W.
Wade, Barbara H.
Patel, Pranay R.
Wolf, Risa
McEvoy, Joseph
Voltchenok, Marina
-, accessed February 22, 2013
Duncan, George
Laidley, Tracy
Mosqueda, Albert
Argueta, Rodolfo
Kovick, Rodney B.
Pearce, Morton Lee
Reza, Michael J.
Shine, Kenneth I.
Clark, L. Marvin
Nemec, Robert
Osaka, Howard
Killeen, Anthony A.
Ahrendsen, Jon S.
Badii, Cyrus A.
Trudo, Frank J.
Cate, Bain C.
Potts, Fred
Blakeley, Katherine R.
Knochel, James P.
Rinner, Steven E.
Fine, Adrian
Hurst, Lisa
Scheuren, Axel
Voorstad, Theodoor A.
Winand, Andrew T.
Tatini, Usha
Cooke, David W.
Highest arterial pCO2[1]
Highest blood glycohemoglobin (Hb A1c)[2]
Highest plasma ammonia[3]
Highest plasma renin[3]
Highest serum acid phosphatase, prostatic[3]
Highest serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT)[4]
Highest serum alpha fetoprotein[5]
Highest serum alpha-1-antitrypsin[3]
Highest serum amylase[3]
Highest serum anion gap[3]
Highest serum anti-thyroglobulin antibody titer[3]
Highest serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST)[6]
Highest serum bilirubin, direct[7-9]
Highest serum bilirubin, total[7-9]
Highest serum calcium[10]
Highest serum chloride[11]
Highest serum cholesterol[3]
Highest serum cortisol[3]
Highest serum creatine kinase (CK)[3]
Highest serum creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) fraction[3]
Highest serum creatinine[12]
Highest serum estradiol[3]
Highest serum ferritin[13]
Highest serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)[3]
Highest serum gastrin[3]
Highest serum glucose[14]
Highest serum HDL cholestrol[3]
Highest serum human chorionic
gonadotrophin (HCG)[3]
Highest serum immunoglobulin E (IgE)[3]
Highest serum iron saturation percentage[15]
Highest serum lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)[6]
Highest serum lipase[16,17]
Highest serum parathyroid hormone-
related peptide (PTHrP)[18]
Highest serum potassium[19-22]
Highest serum prolactin[23]
Highest serum prostate specific antigen (PSA)[24,25]
Highest serum protein, total[10]
Highest serum sodium[11]
Highest serum testosterone[3]
Highest serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)[26]
Highest serum thyroxine, free (FT4)[42]
Highest serum thyroxine, total (T4)[6]
Highest serum triglycerides[27]
Highest serum triiodothyronine (T3)[3]
Highest serum urea nitrogen[2]
Highest serum uric acid[28,29]
Highest serum vitamin B12[3]
Highest urine cortisol excretion[3]
Highest urine metanephrine excretion[3]
Highest urine protein excretion[30]
Lowest arterial pCO2[31]
Lowest arterial pH[32-34]
Lowest arterial pO2 while breathing 100% O2[1]
Lowest serum alpha-1-antitrypsin[3]
Lowest serum bicarbonate[35]
Lowest serum calcium[3]
Lowest serum chloride[18,36]
Lowest serum cortisol[3]
Lowest serum cortisol after cosyntropin stimulation[11]
Lowest serum ferritin[17,18]
Lowest serum folate[3]
Lowest serum HDL cholesterol[3]
Lowest serum immunoglobulin M (IgM)[3]
Lowest serum iron[37]
Lowest serum LDL cholesterol[3]
Lowest seum sodium[38]
Lowest serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)[39,40]
Lowest serum testosterone in males[3]
Lowest serum transferrin[3]
Lowest serum vitamin B12[41]
218 mmHg
530 mcg/dL
109.2 ng/mL/hr
28,830 ng/mL
21,252 U/L
512,100 ng/mL
1,194 mg/dL
4,130 U/L
41 mEq/L
23,693 IU/L
90 mg/dL
146 mg/dL
24.1 mg/dL
153 mEq/L
3,011 mg/dL
986 mg/dL
249,360 U/L
530 U/L;
27% of total CK
54 mg/dL
17,173 pg/mL
129,070 ng/mL
262.8 mIU/mL
> 100,000 pg/mL
2,350 mg/dL
248 mg/dL
2,017,000 mIU/mL
6,301 mg/dL
73,710 IU/L
28,524 U/L
280 pmol/L
13.5 mEq/L
3,138.0 ng/mL
16,490 ng/mL
19.6 g/dL
205 mEq/L
1,822 ng/dL
2,532 mIU/L
>7.8 ng/dL
1,403 mcg/dL
5,880 mg/dL
1,334 ng/dL
365 mg/dL
56.8 mg/dL
2,944 pg/mL
308 mcg/24 hr
14.7 mg/24 hr
21,658 mg/24 hr
8.5 mmHg
35 mmHg
28 mg/dL
0.8 mEq/L
5.9 mg/dL
52 mEq/L
< 2.5 mcg/dL
0.0 mcg/dL
3 ng/mL
1.1 ng/mL
3 mg/dL
9.1 mg/dL
< 2 mcg/dL
9 mg/dL
87 mEq/L
0.0 mIU/L
5.1 ng/dL
7 mcg/dL
52 ng/L
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